Advanced coach training and mentoring.

Would you like to get deeply transformational results for ALL of your clients, feel the satisfaction of making the impact you were born to make and live life on your own terms?

If so, then let me ask you this first: where are you in your journey to becoming a masterful coach?

I'm an aspiring coach and want to become one of the best

As an aspiring coach it can be really daunting to figure out what coach training program is best for you. There are so many courses out there and a lot of them over-promise and underdeliver. 

There is the question whether you should get certified or not. There are also questions you may not know to ask, that are critical in making a well-informed decision towards getting results for your clients as well as building a successful business. 

I'm a coach, but I'm not working with clients

You’ve been certified, perhaps even with the ICF, but you’re finding it hard to put yourself out there. Usually it’s because you feel your coaching isn’t up to par (too superficial) and you’re worried you do more damage than good. There's little to no ongoing support, so even though you left your training all hyped up and excited, now you feel stuck and don't know what to do next.You may also find it scary to put yourself out there, feel lost / confused / overwhelmed. 
To be clear: this has to do with skill level, not marketing your skills. It’s easy to fall into the trap of buying marketing programs, because you think that’s what you need. Most often, it’s not. You need rock-solid confidence in your skills as well as the freedom to show up fully as you are and your own uniqueness. 

I'm a coach who is actively working with clients 

But you're not getting results for all of your clients.

You’re coaching and making money, but not all of your clients are getting the results they’re paying you for. This may or may not be affecting how you market yourself, how comfortable you are in sales conversations and your pricing. Either way, it simply doesn’t feel right to charge money and not get someone results. You end up working hard and spend a lot of time thinking about your clients.This is usually the result of not being able to dive deep enough, not consistently getting to the core, and not knowing how to create change on a neurological level. Combine this with over-responsibility for your clients, and you have a great recipe for exhaustion. 

Supervision or coach mentoring. What do I need?

When you're not getting the results you want / desire for your clients or you lack the confidence to even put yourself out there, it can be hard to figure out what solution is best. 

Is it supervision? Coach mentoring? More training? Marketing and sales skills? 

With supervision you get continued support on what you've already learnt. But what if what you've already learnt falls short when it comes to getting deeply transformational results? 

Mentoring is a different kind of dialogue. It's with someone who is more experienced in coaching and can give you feedback not just on the model and skills you've learnt, but on different scenarios you might encounter and possible ways to approach these scenarios. It's about sharing things you don't know yet, and brings greater refinement to your skills. 

Supervision and mentoring are incredibly powerful, AND there's more to getting deeply transformational results. I created a PDF that goes into greater depth on this. Just let me know where you want me to send the PDF below and it'll go straight to your inbox. 

Hi, I'm Femke  

Hi, I'm Femke. And I help already coaches who are already in business and charging for their services, take their skills to a whole new level so they can either dramatically increase their fees or fully align themselves with the high-ticket fees they are charging.  

I have a gift for teaching you how to get life-changing results, regardless of the client or how challenging the topic. For then turning that into an irresistible offer that aligns with your soul's purpose. And for helping you transcend your own success blocks, so you can take inspired action and build the business of your dreams.

I help you make the impact you were born to make, and streamlining the path to get there.

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